May 25 - July 6, 2019
Gayle Mandle & Meighan Morrison
pal·imp·sest /ˈpaləm(p)ˌsest/
noun: palimpsest; plural noun: palimpsests
a manuscript or piece of writing material on which the original writing has been effaced to make room for later writing but of which traces remain.
something reused or altered but still bearing visible traces of its earlier form.
"Sutton Place is a palimpsest of the taste of successive owners"
ATELIER NEWPORT's late Spring exhibition, entitled PALIMPSEST is a two-artist exhibition highlights works from Gayle Mandle and Meighan Morrison, and attempts to explore a visual language with a presence in the past.
Mandle's three years spent creating in the Middle East inspired works that are like a letter marked and stamped in time. Constructed with hidden layers of manuscripts, letters, photographs, fabric and recycled materials; one finds a recorded history of a journey. Through different mediums, Mandle allows the viewer to peer into a place in time.
Morrison's paintings are sometimes a personal rebellion against our modern lives and times, finding relief in simplification to amplify the power of less. As our world became increasingly complex, digitized, and branded, Morrison's paintings are becoming simpler, rawer and more intuitive.