Primal Tide

December 9, 2018 - January 15, 2019

Artist Julia Mandle’s immigration series embodies this message; Doug DeLuca’s, White Cedar Flag; whitewashed flags made from reclaimed materials, make reference to our American roots; works like Gayle Mandle’s, Wall; Jerry Wingren’s Resting Stones; David BarnesArrangements in Grey and Black, JT GibsonTime to Remember; convey a visual language that also take these issues to heart.  Stripping away the conventional white cube, 

Primal Tide, is centered around the theme of immigration and water as a facilitator for bringing emigrants to new shores. Many great contemporary artists within our history are immigrants in this country and we cannot deny what is happening in our world today as so many emigrants helplessly make their way in dangerous and precarious vessels only to find themselves in makeshift homes—certainly not of their choosing.  It’s an untenable situation about which we often feel helpless, while also living in a country made of immigrants. The topic came into heavy focus for Lemmons, the Creative Director, when her friend and committed photojournalist, Jason Florio, boarded the Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) and documented what he saw and experienced. Following these very real stories pulled at her heartstrings. The current exhibition will attempt to bring to light some of the issues we face, evoke thought, and provoke dialogue.