Exhibitions: American Landscape | Scratch | Dark Matter | Divided Mind | Hearths & Hideaways | Crosswinds | Wanderlust
Turbul Aunt Mallowdy, dyptych oil on canvas 60 x 144 inches
Harm and Hammer, oil on canvas, 84 x 60 inches
Giant and Bubble Wrapped, Oil on canvas, 45 x 24 inches
Wonder, Oil on canvas, 24 x 36 inches, 2017
We'll always be your sugar, Oil on Linen, 56 x 29 inches
“I like making connections with people through painting and all of my paintings are interpretations of events in my life. Some of the works have very specific stories that relate to a period in my life, like childhood memories or the new black works that express the scientific experiences during my times at a laboratory. It’s all couched in my love for painting and reflecting on happy memories as well as the somber ones.”
“An Absence of Light” : WBUR Bostoson interviews Jason Case about Singularity Black – Listen Here
Painting with carbon nanotubes, the blackest black paint. | Jason Chase | TEDxNaperville